“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

General News and Notices

The deadline for the JULY edition is Noon WEDNESDAY 26th June

If you have articles or items of interest for the newsletter, please ring Debbie Dann on 717004 or email on debbie@dann-home.me.uk

The advertisers pay for most of the cost of the paper copies of the newsletter so we do not charge for it, however we are not able to endorse or guarantee the service they give.

The paper newsletter is printed by Plastica. For all printing needs please contact print@plasticapools.net

A week of prayer for Hastings and the UK

Following on from the recent Global Day of Prayer service, 24/7 Prayer have organised a week of prayer for Hastings and the UK. The week of prayer will start on the 60th Anniversary of the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Now more than ever before she needs our prayers, to support her in keeping her Oath to God which aims to protect the welfare and Christian foundation of our nation.

There will also be the opportunity to pray for the UK together during the week at the following locations and times:

  1. Tuesday 4th June at 6 until 8 p.m.: Bethel Prayer Centre, Wellington Square Baptist Church, Hastings.
  2. Wednesday 5th June 2 until 4 p.m.: Holywell Prayer Centre, His Place Community Church, Duke Rd, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea.
  3. Thursday 6th June 12 until 1 p.m.: Holy Trinity Church (Robertson Street entrance)
  4. Friday 7th June 7.30 until 11.30 p.m.: The Oak Room, St Leonards Parish Church, The Marina, St. Leonard’s-on-Sea.         

Thank you for joining in with this week of Prayer for the UK, we pray that you will be blessed as you seek God for this precious nation and that He will be glorified by the UK once again.


Please remember in your prayers four members of our congregation, Terry, Kevin, Stuart and Kay who are being Confirmed at St John’s Pevensey Road on Sunday 16th June at 10:30 a.m.

Women’s  Fellowship                                             

We are looking forward to our Coach Outing to Teapot Island, Yalding on Monday, 10th June. There are still a few seats available on the coach if you wish to join us.

On Monday, 24th June at 2.30 p.m., our speaker will be Debbie Dann when she will illustrate with words & flowers the subject "Poetically Floral”.  

Visitors are welcome. Entrance is £1.50 to include tea & raffle.                                                                                                                         

Helen Gossling  Tel:01424-423124

Tea ‘N’ Chat

We will be meeting on the 3rd and 17th of June starting at 2pm.

Please try to support this friendly group or at least come and give us a try.

For more information contact Debbie on 01424-717004.

Heritage Open Days

Blacklands Church will be open to the public on September 12th 13th 14th and 15th as part of the Heritage Open Days Scheme.

Various buildings of interest will be open on those days around the country so that people can visit heritage buildings. The event will be publicised on the internet and more details will follow in subsequent magazines but we are hoping to show visitors how important it is that such a beautiful church as ours is kept open and used as a place of worship for many generations to come.

We will need a lot of helpers as we will be serving refreshments each day so please volunteer to help.

Contact Jean Wilson on 01424-422630 for further details

Parish Group News

42 members and guests enjoyed the annual fish supper recently. Tush and Pat Hamilton provided their usual delicious fish served straight from the pan to the plate together with an extensive range of salads. This was followed by a selection of homemade desserts all washed down with a fruit drink followed by tea and coffee. The evening rounded off with Tush recounting some amusing memories of his life amongst the fishing community.                  All in all a wonderful evening.

The next meeting is on Monday 17th June when Ken Nunn will be returning to give a further talk on “Antique Valuation”. Members are invited to bring items that might be of interest or that they might like to have an indication of their value.

The annual Parish Group outing and dinner has been arranged for Monday 22nd July as this was the only day for which we could get a coach. The coach will leave the church at 1.30 p.m., and travel to Paradise Park at Newhaven. Paradise Park is a large garden centre and shop which also has a water garden and “Heritage Trail”. The Heritage Trail consists of a garden walk amongst models including some of the well-known Sussex buildings, even Hastings net shops. From Paradise Park we will go to the Moorings at Pevensey Bay for an early evening dinner before returning to Hastings at about 9 p.m. Obviously the outing can only go ahead if we have enough members and guests participating so please can you let us know whether or not you wish to come.

Unfortunately the outing date coincides with a Women’s Fellowship meeting for which we apologise but it was the only date that we could get the coach.

Parish Group Coffee Morning

The recent coffee morning was a limited success. We were disappointed with the support and number of people who came along. We had more helpers than customers but we still managed to raise over £200 for local charities and Christian Aid.

A big thank you to those of you who did come along and to those who worked so hard to prepare and run it, especially Ellen Campbell for producing so many plants and David Jones for baking so much bread.


Many thanks to Leslie for the Pentecost flowers in church.

Don’t forget that we need more people on the flower rota and someone to arrange the Easter lily fund.

Blacklands Bumper Jumble Sale

The next Blacklands Jumble Sale will be    


Saturday 22nd June

10.00 am to 12 noon.

Please donate any items for the jumble and any offers to help on the day will be gratefully received. Contact Jean 01424-422630 if you need any jumble collected.

Wednesday Worship

The mid-week service, at 9:30 on a Wednesday morning, is usually a service of Holy Communion, sometimes with Reserved Sacrament and a Lay Minister leading. We have a hymn and extended intercessions for those on our prayer list and for the recently departed, in the context of the Book of Common Prayer.

When it is appropriate the service may use the readings and Propers (that is collect and responses) for a special celebration of a Holy Day. These fall into three groups:

Last Wednesday, 15th May, for example, we used the Propers and readings for the Class II Feast, to celebrate St. Matthias who was elected by the Disciples, after the Ascension, to be an Apostle in place of Judas Iscariot. There is very little mention of Matthias in the New Testament, but quite a lot in the Apocryphal writings and the early Church Fathers' works. For example, Clement of Alexandria says that Matthias, like all the other apostles, was not chosen by Jesus for what he already was, but for what Jesus foresaw he would become. He was elected not because he was worthy but because he would become worthy. Jesus chooses all of us in the same way. We asked in the homily and prayers “What does Jesus want us to become?”, which led us to consider how welcoming we are to newcomers and strangers, as those who have come to us by Christ's calling.

Next week, 29th May, we will be led in our worship by a Lay Minister, and hope to use the Propers and readings for the eve of the Class I Feast, Corpus Christi, which commemorates and gives thanks for the Sacrament of the Eucharist.

Pentecost Book Review