© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Registered Charity Number 1210772

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Midweek services are usually on Wednesday in the St. Andrew’s Chapel. The services usually are Morning Prayer of the day using Common Worship at 09:00 am., followed by Holy Communion at 09:45. We occasionally sing a hymn and the intercessions have the full list of all on our prayer list who are unwell or need special prayers.

The services planned for December are:

4th December: Wednesday after First Sunday of Advent

John of Damascus, Nicholas Ferrar

11th December: Wednesday after Second Sunday of Advent

18th December: Wednesday after Third  Sunday of Advent

25th December: Christmas Day (TBC)

We are serving refreshments after Wednesday Communion Services. We can sing again now, as the Church sounds lovely when we sing our hymn and it would sound even better if more of our members came to support this lovely time of worship.

Midweek Services