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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Blacklands Prayer life, Prayer Group and Chain

Prayer Life

The Prayer Life of the Parish goes on every day in various ministries. The “formal” services are only a part of the work of the Church, where we meet in fellowship and recharge our spiritual batteries. The Prayer Chain, Prayer Group, Adopt a Street and Praying round the Parish are a continuous and vital part of our ministry, serving the Parish and taking the Gospel Message to everyone. Under the direction of the Vicar and licensed ministers the Coordinator tries to make sure all these prayer ministries function properly to God’s Glory. You may contact the Coordinator by email to blacklandsprayerchain@yahoo.co.uk, telephone to 07531-098891.

Blacklands Prayer Group

The Prayer Group has been meeting since October 2012. Two or three, or we hope more, of us meet in the church on alternate Fridays and pray for, among other topics, the requests on the Prayer Chain and Wednesday Service intercessions lists, the church and the wider community.

It would be lovely if more people could come and join us, but we do understand that many people have other commitments. It would really help the group if members of the church, wherever you are, spend some time in prayer between 2.30pm and 4.00pm on the Fridays when we are in Church so that even if you cannot join us in body you can in spirit.

We hope to have a meeting at 2:30 p.m., on Friday 30th August 2024.

For further information please contact the Prayer Chain Coordinator or Jean Wilson.

Blacklands Prayer Chain

The Parish has a group of people who pray every day for requests made by parishioners and others. The Prayer Chain Coordinator acts as a central link, receiving the requests and any updates to them, and passing them out to the three separate sub-chains by email and telephone. The requests may be for anything which needs us to ask the Lord for assistance or the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Mostly the requests are for those who are unwell in any way, but sometimes we get asked to pray for other things, such as domestic violence, bereavement and similar situations. Everything is treated with the utmost respect and is completely confidential.

If you wish to ask for prayers, you may do so by contacting  the Coordinator. There is a “Vicar’s Box” on the table by the hymn books and prayer books at the back of the Church, and we now have a proper letter box outside the Church by the steps up from Laton Road as well. Prayer requests may be made also via the Church Wardens, Lay Ministry Team or Clergy. Please give your name and a contact telephone number with all requests, so that we can acknowledge receipt and keep you informed of progress. Prayer requests will not be placed on the Wednesday Service intercessions list unless specifically asked for. When making a request for someone other than yourself or a close family member, please ask the subject for permission, if possible. Please also keep us informed of any changes in the request, such as healing. We are always very happy to give thanks for prayers answered.

If you feel that you could help in this ministry, by joining a group, please do ask. There is a sign-up sheet above the Vicar’s Box on the table at the back of the Church, next to the Hymn and Prayer Book shelves, or you can use the Coordinator contacts.