“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Registered Charity Number 1210772

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

The next planned events, other than Services, are:

Prayer Group We plan to meet on Friday 6th December.

Parish Group  No meetings organised.

Blacklands Afternoon Fellowship  Moday 2nd December 2:15 p.m., Christmas Buffet - Bring and Share finger food

Praying Round the Parish and Deanery this week: 22 December 2024

Parish: Elphinstone Road with Whitehall Nursery and the BOS Field and Allotments

Deanery: Christ Church St. Leonard's: Fr Thomas Crowley SSC Rector, Rev'd. Dr. Richard Ralph, NSM. St. John's Upper St. Leonard's: Rev'd. David Hill, Rector,  Rev'd Michael Turnbull NSM Deacon. Our Diocese of Chichester and Cathedral: Bishop Martin; Will, Bishop of Lewes; Ruth, Bishop of Horsham; Archdeacons Edward, Fiona, Luke and Martin. The Church of England and Anglican Communion.

From our neighbours:

News of the Alexandra Park Greenhouse restoration project events can be found on their website which you can download and print. The greenhouse is open every Thursday afternoon frpm 2:30 to 5:30 p.m., and Saturday morning from 10:30 a.m., to 1:00 p.m., for visitors and when there are plants or items for sale.

Open the Book: The Bible Society have a very good project called ‘Open the Book', which aims to resource churches to take Bible stories into school to help children and staff grow in their knowledge & understanding. For more information go to the Open the Book website.