© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Registered Charity Number 1210772

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings


The Adopt-a-Street Initiative in Hastings and St. Leonard's

Working with each other across our town, many Churches have come together to work for Transformation. The inspiration, through the work of the Holy Spirit, comes from the Ministry of Ed Silvoso, and can be examined in depth on the web-site, https://transformourworld.org/

The Mission Statement is:

"The Streets of Hastings are its lifeline. When the streets of Hastings experience peace, then our town will enjoy economic development, strong families, healthy neighbourhoods and personal identity. When you adopt a street and pray blessing, you are helping the people who live, work and travel on that street. As you use your spiritual authority to pray blessings over families, homes and businesses in that street you have an impact on bringing down crime rate, drug use, aggression, family breakdown and general suffering of people on that street. Blessing changes the spiritual climate over the area you are praying for and ushers in God's Kingdom."

Please read Luke 10, and Romans 8, v 15, where the Lord's command for us to do this can be found, and where He gives us the authority to stamp on all snakes and scorpions and defeat the works of Satan.

In brief, this initiative is based on the premise that God has called us all to Transform all our own towns, cities and nations, to eliminate corruption, poverty, hunger, and to rebuild communities, promote justice, restore hope and expect God to work miracles through the prayer and ministry of all believers.

There are many examples of wonderful renewal and revival of towns and cities through the commitment of believers to pray and work for God through living a "Transformational Lifestyle".

The initiative started in 2013, and we as a Church are taking part through our "Praying Round the Parish" and "Praying Round the Deanery" weekly prayer cycle. The PCC now have agreed that we should be active and adopt our streets and other places in our parish and where our members live, and that David, as Prayer Chain Coordinator, should represent the parish on the coordination team.

Please give David your name and the street you wish to adopt and he will register your adoption.

Once your adoption is in place, you are responsible for praying every day in the street for Peace, Blessing and the Light of Christ through the Holy Spirit to fill the street and all the businesses, homes, schools and to drive out all darkness and works of the Enemy, to bring in God's Love and Grace.

"Dear Lord and Father, please Bless this street, fill it with Your Peace and Light. Drive out all the darkness, expose the lies and deceits of the enemy and fill all the area, homes, businesses, schools, care homes, people, pets, with the Love of Jesus, that all should turn to Christ and be filled with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name we ask for Your Blessing and Peace."