“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Services for May 2013

Sunday Services:

5th May: Parish Communion 10:30 am. 6th Sunday of Easter

12th May: Parish Communion 10:30 am. Sunday after Ascension (Rogation Sunday)

19th May: All Age Family Communion 10:30 am. Pentecost Sunday

26th May: Parish Communion 10:30 am.  Trinity Sunday, with Revd., David Wootton

Midweek Services:

1st May, Wednesday, 09:30 am. Holy Communion (BCP, readings for 4th Sunday after Easter)

8th May, Wednesday, 09:30 am. Holy Communion (BCP, with Reserved Sacrament, led by a Lay Minister,

Rogation Wednesday)

15th May, Wednesday, 09:30 am. Holy Communion (BCP,  of the Octave of Ascension)

22nd May, Wednesday, 09:30 am. Holy Communion (BCP, Ember Day)

29th May, Wednesday, 09:30 am. Holy Communion (BCP, Readings for Trinity Sunday)

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