“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Notes from Revd. Canon John Fletcher

News and Notices


Christ Church Blacklands is now in the third year of interregnum and I know there is widespread concern and frustration that little or no progress has been made as to future ministry and leadership. Our suggestions to make Blacklands part of something bigger in a link with another parish or the creation of a Team Ministry have thus far proved unsuccessful. The PCC is making renewed endeavours in urging the Diocese to find a solution to the problem.

In the meantime however, we need to remind ourselves that Christian ministry is not simply limited to the clergy (as many of you will have heard me say several times before!) Ministry in the church involves all Christians, with the ordained person providing an essential enabling ministry within the total life of the church. The idea of the Church being likened to a bus in which everyone sits passively in more or less the same direction, with the clergy out in front at the driving wheel and hopefully driving in the right direction is not only old-fashioned, It’s totally irrelevant and unbiblical!

In the New Testament, one of St Paul’s favourite expressions to describe a church is ‘The Body of Christ’ and that implies among other things an ‘every member ministry’. Together we are ‘partners in the Gospel of Christ’ (as Paul describes the church in Philippians 1, v5). It is by no means an easy option as it requires a strong sense of commitment to one another and to the church. Sadly, that has not been one of our strong points over the past year!

‘Partnership in the gospel’ is surely meant to be the norm in all churches. Such ministry is for building and strengthening the church in its task of outreach and proclamation to the community. For such a ministry to be a reality we need clearly defined aims and objectives, strong commitment - and a constant openness to prayer and the direction and counsel of the Holy Spirit.

John Fletcher
