“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

The deadline for the September edition is Noon WEDNESDAY August 22nd

If you have articles or items of interest for the newsletter, please ring Debbie Dann on 01424 717004 or email on debbie@dann-home.me.uk

The advertisers pay for most of the cost of the paper copies of the newsletter so we do not charge for it, however we are not able to endorse or guarantee the service they give.

The paper newsletter is printed by Plastica. For all printing needs please contact print@plasticapools.net

Parochial Church Council minutes

A summary of the most recent minutes from a PCC meeting held on 2nd July 2012  ,ay be found here

Regarding the graffiti on the church doors.

Saturday 21st July. I have just been contacted by the police who informed me that they have arrested someone for spraying graffiti on our church door. The person had also been arrested for similar offences on other buildings. The police told me the person had admitted the offences.

Can you please ask people to pray for the offender?

Jean W.

Church Cleaners Needed

We are very short of people to clean the church on a regular basis. At the moment a very few people work hard to clean the silver, polish the brass and generally keep this large church clean. If anyone feels able to spare a few hours once a week or fortnight to help clean the church please see a member of the PCC.

Jumble sale

Many thanks to all the people who helped at the Jumble on Saturday 7th July. We raised £410 which is an outstanding amount and far more than we have raised before. Thank you also for the people who helped prepare the stalls on Friday as well. Our next Jumble sale will be in October so please start saving your jumble items now. Jean is very happy to collect any items. Thank you again

Sunday School

Sunday school is closed now until 2nd Sept. Extra activities will be provided in the young people’s corner for any children who visit us during the holiday.

Daily Bible Readings

The latest edition of Word for Today is available free of charge at the back of the church. There are also limited copies of Prayer for Today available – please help yourself and, perhaps take a copy for a friend.

Bishop’s Certificate

The new course for the Bishop’s Certificate is starting in September. If anyone is interested in studying for the course please see Jean.

Harvest Concert Tea

David our organist will give a Harvest concert which will be followed by a tea on Saturday 13th October. Harvest Festival will be on Sunday 14th October at 10.30.

Food Bank

There is now a box at the back of the church. Please take a shopping list next to the box and donate a couple of items to local people who are in need. The groceries will be taken to Kings Church (who are co-ordinating the scheme) every month.

American afternoon

Saturday August 11th at 2:30 pm. £3.50 to include cake and a drink.

Olympic Prayer Baton. Churches Together.

Seven of us from Hastings Churches travelled to Dover yesterday to hand over prayers of blessing in the Olympic Prayer Baton. The event was on the top of the White Cliffs overlooking the harbour and included Holy Communion.

The concerns of many in Dover are the future of the port. A petition has been set up and I was asked by several people to encourage Hastings folk to sign this and write or email Department of Transport against the sale of the port to a foreign company and to allow the peoples trust to own it.

General News and Notices

Services Ministry