“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2022.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings


Will be held on Sunday 11th March. Do make every effort to come. The meeting will follow the morning service, ready to start soon after 12 noon.

Have you ever considered standing for the Parochial Church Council (PCC)? It has 12 members elected for one year. The PCC seeks to work as a team and is responsible for the administration and overall strategy of the Parish. It also has a very important spiritual role to fulfil. Meetings are usually held monthly in the evenings.

Nominations for Churchwardens and the PCC can be proposed and seconded on the forms at the back of the church. The Closing Date for nominations is SUNDAY 4th MARCH.

Reports from church organisations and groups will be printed in advance and distributed at the AGM. Copy must be given to Leslie or Jean, the currently serving Churchwardens no later than SUNDAY 26th FEBRUARY.

The Church Electoral Roll is being revised during February. New names can be added by filling in one of the forms at the back of the church. A final copy of the Roll will be placed in the church.

Newsletter - February 2012 Newsletter - February 2012