“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2022.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Daily Bible Readings

The new copies of the UCB daily Bible readings (February to April) are now available free of charge and can be found at the back of the church. Please take a copy.


on December 18th was the first of our special services for Christmas with traditional readings presented by a narrator and readers. There was also short talk and many stayed on afterwards for mince pies and refreshments. 141 adults attended the service - the highest for four years. A ‘Christmas Report’ will be included in next month’s magazine.

Parish Group

Our December meeting saw 37 members brave the elements on a cold, wet and windy evening in order to face an inquisition. The event was the now annual Christmas quiz, a very light hearted fun evening during which there were a number of amusing answers offered to the questions in a very convivial atmosphere. The quiz was followed by a raffle when a number of seasonal prizes were won.

The next meeting is on January 16th 2012 when we will be entertained by the Black Briar Folk Group. Members are invited to bring a few items of party food which can be pooled for sharing after the entertainment.

New members, and guests are always welcome and we wish you all a very happy New Year 2012.

Christmas Fair

We raised £725.21 at the Christmas Fair held on the 3rd December. I would like to thank everyone who took part in the fair for making it such a successful event. Not only was it a financial success but it was also a social success. A wonderful atmosphere was present with many of our visitors staying for a long time just chatting and socialising.

Thank you again everyone and start preparing for our Spring Fete!

Jean Wilson.


Thank you all who came and supported the carol singing at Mountside and Fabee rest and nursing homes. We all had a very good time; Jean Gill played her keyboard and Robert was also with us this year. In all there were 16 singers at Mountside so we gave a good sound Michael was Master of ceremonies. Both the venues were very hospitable, mince pies, Christmas cake, sherry, juice, and hot drinks.
We were 7 at Fabee as they always have friends and relations with them. It was heartwarming to hear everyone joining in, also choosing their favourite carols.
You could feel the love of God, and we give thanks for the staff, and all who contribute, for the enjoyment that we had; many of the residents told us they had too! 

Margaret T.

Tea and chat

We will meet on Monday 16th January, 2pm start.

On the 30th January we are going out to Lunch at The Bull Inn.

For more information contact Debbie Dann 717004

Newsletter Deadline and Details

Deadline for the February edition is Noon Wednesday 25th January

If you have articles or items of interest for the newsletter ring Debbie Dann on 717004 or email to debbie@dann-home.me.uk

The advertisers pay for most of the cost of this newsletter so we do not charge for it however we are not able to endorse or guarantee the service they give.

The paper publication is printed by Plastica ----- For all printing needs contact print@plasticapools.net

Newsletter - January 2012 Newsletter - January 2012