“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2022.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Daily Bible Readings

The new copies of the UCB daily Bible readings (February to April) are now available free of charge and can be found at the back of the church. Please take a copy.

Teaching Themes for Sunday Mornings

During the Epiphany Season we have heard sermons on the theme of PROPHETIC VOICES, and how their message of hope and renewal is relevant to us and the Church.

JOEL: ‘I will restore to you the years the locusts have eaten…. and afterwards I will pour out my Spirit on all people’ (Ch2 vv 25 & 28).

MICAH: ‘What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with the Lord your God’ (Ch 6 v8).

ELIJAH: How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him!’ (1 Kings 18 v 21)

Starting February 26th we will be starting a new Series for Lent & Easter: ‘One Life’, where we will be dipping into St Mark’s Gospel.

And Midweek

The very short homily for the Wednesday morning Holy Communion Service on 1st February, for the Feast of The Presentation, will concentrate on Jesus as a Jewish baby and the obedience of Mary and Joseph to the Law as laid down in Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus and Nehemiah.

Epiphany Lunch

Many thanks to all those who came and supported the “Bring and Share” Epiphany lunch. As always everyone was very generous and provided super food. There was lots of good will among us all, with catching up on news of Christmas and New Year.

Christmas Church Decorations

Thank you to everyone who helped to decorate the church for Christmas and to all who brought along a Poinsettia to brighten up the window sills. Your help in making the church look so beautiful was very much appreciated.

June Sears


Just to say a big “Thank you” to everyone who turned out on a cold December evening for the jazz supper.

We raised £480, which divides nicely into £160 each to Smile Train, F.S.W. and church Funds.

My thanks also to all who helped and stayed to clear-up so quickly, we were back home by 10-30 pm.

Once again, many thanks and all good wishes for the New Year

From Jan Penny

Women’s Fellowship

We meet on Monday 13th February to hear a talk by Alison Vernon on the History of the Tea Party when we will learn how our favourite drink came to our shores & how we have used it over the years

For our second Meeting of the month on 27th February Diana Copp will guide us through Extend Exercises to music whilst we sit in a circle & follow her.

Meetings start at 2.30pm.  £1.00 including raffle ticket.       Visitors welcome.

Secretary: HELEN GOSSLING Tel: Hastings 423124

Parish Group

The New Year programme started with an evening of entertainment by the BlackBriar Folk Roots group. It was a lovely evening with the opportunity for some foot tapping and sing-a-long and was greatly enjoyed by all. It was disappointing though that no one accepted the offer to dance. The musicians were a very friendly group and have said how much they enjoyed the evening and they would like to return for a further meeting in the future.

The next meeting will be on February 20th when Jane Nunn will be talking about “The Tall Ships”

Tea and chat

Tea and Chat will meet on Monday 6th and 20th February for fun quizzes and lots of chat with cups of tea.

Why not give us a try?

If you would like to come the start time is  2 pm

For more information contact

Debbie Dann 717004


Churches Together are holding their annual quiz at Calvert Methodist Church on Saturday 3 march at 7-30pm

Blacklands have booked a table for 8 people. Contact Debbie Dann if you would like to come. Lifts can be arranged.  The cost of the evening is £2 each. Proceeds will go to Christian Aid.

Drinks provided but bring your own food.


We gave a total £1965 to outside charities and missionary organisations in 2011. That is just over 5% of our total income.  The aim is to give at least 10% of parish income. Nevertheless it is a considerable improvement on previous years when charitable giving to outside the projects  was about 1% of total income. The PCC made the following donations and grants in 2011.

Christian Aid £120

Shoe Box Appeal for The Mustard Seed Mission £225

Local RAF Association collection £40

Surviving Christmas £250

Church in Sierra Leone projects £210

A further £1120 was distributed among the following, giving £160 each to:

Beachy Head Chaplaincy

Barnabas Fund  for persecuted Christians in Pakistan

Hastings Street Pastors

The Gideons International  also known as Gideon’s Bible

St Michael’s Hospice

Chichester Diocesan Association for Family Support

South American Missionary Society (Toybox) and their work amongst street children.

Newsletter Deadline and Details

Deadline for the March edition is Noon Wednesday 22nd February

If you have articles or items of interest for the newsletter ring Debbie Dann on 717004 or email to debbie@dann-home.me.uk

The advertisers pay for most of the cost of this newsletter so we do not charge for it however we are not able to endorse or guarantee the service they give.

The paper publication is printed by Plastica ----- For all printing needs contact print@plasticapools.net


Newsletter - February 2012 Newsletter - February 2012