“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Notes from Revd. Canon John Fletcher

Critical Choices: 6

Notes of a talk given at Parish Communion on 20th October.

I recently read a list of stress factors in people’s lives. Top of the list was: work! In an age where more and more folk are unemployed, there are many who are having to work harder and longer. The fear of unemployment was high on the list and so was ill-health. Other factors included domestic unhappiness, the stress of moving house and changing jobs. Some of the stress comes from the sort of people we are. If we tend to be ‘laid back’, easy going, satisfied with our role in society and not particularly competitive, then stress is unlikely to become a major problem. However, If we are trying to do several different tasks at once, restless, impatient and ambitious, then we are high risk in the stress stakes.

But stress is not simply down to the sort of people we are. Outside factors can be significant, such as the death of a loved one, the break up of a relationship, family problems and financial debt. Inflation, recession, and unemployment have caused debt to become a major source of stress. Even leaving university with a first class degree is no guarantee that you will get a job. There are abundant suggestions on how to deal with stress. Have a cuppa; smoke; eat chocolate; listen to music; watch TV; go shopping; acquire more possessions; talk to the cat and/or dog! The list is endless. They are not the answer!

Stress Free!

There was once a person who demonstrated utter peace of mind. In the midst of a storm which threatened to sink the boat we find him in perfect peace. When surrounded by a hostile mob he displayed a remarkable peace. He also said extraordinary things like “Peace I leave with you! My peace I give to you, but not like the world gives”. That is an extremely attractive offer! Better still, it includes people like you and me. But how can we discover this peace?

Past Regrets.

The past can pose some really tough problems for many of us. Stuff we regret from the past but which we feel powerless to change often raise their ugly heads and suffocate us. Ultimately there is only one way of getting the past straightened out and that is at the foot of the cross, the place of forgiveness. On the cross Jesus carried the burden of our guilt, our shame, our mistakes and our regrets. From the cross he cried out “It is finished”, our past, present and future dealt with. As one writer puts it ‘From then on the delete key had been pressed on God’s computer list of our regrets and failures.” It is an act so amazing that it almost defies our understanding. It’s like the tide coming in and clearing all the junk on the sea-shore, leaving the beach washed and clean. God’s forgiveness is the most wonderful healing therapy in the world.

Present Circumstances.

The Christian Faith is not only about the cross. It is also about the resurrection releasing Jesus to come and live in our lives. Once we choose him and welcome him into our lives, he brings his peace. It is a peace that is independent of circumstances. When you have a moment, read Philippians 4 verses 4 to 9 from the New Testament. Here is a man, locked in a prison cell, expecting to die, and yet he is at peace. Faced with the stresses and pressures of life he has a choice: Panic or Prayer! He chooses prayer! He knows God is in control of the situation and he tells us what a difference that makes. “Have no anxiety about anything” he says. Then Paul casts his worries like a heavy sack onto the Lord. He then prays about it, handing everything entirely over to Him. Recognising that the Lord is with him in all circumstances, the Lord’s own peace flows into his heart and sets a guard over his tumultuous thoughts and worries. Turn your cares and worries into prayer. It’s a great way to reduce stress!

Jesus is the ‘Prince of Peace!’ In Matthew 11 v28 (paraphrased) he invites us, “Come! All you who are stressed out and carry heavy burdens….. get into partnership with me and start living my way and you will discover peace for your souls.” And he means it!

John Fletcher

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