“Growing together in Christ”

© Copyright, Christ Church, Blacklands and  St. Andrew, Hastings Parochial Church Council. 2011 to 2024.  No part of this web-site may be copied by any means,  or added to any data feed, without  express permission.

Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

General News and Notices

The deadline for the December edition is Noon Wednesday November 21st .

If you have articles or items of interest for the newsletter, please ring Debbie Dann on 01424 717004 or email on debbie@dann-home.me.uk

The advertisers pay for most of the cost of the paper copies of the newsletter so we do not charge for it, however we are not able to endorse or guarantee the service they give.

The paper newsletter is printed by Plastica. For all printing needs please contact print@plasticapools.net

Tea N’ Chat

We will meet on Monday 5th and 19th of November for cups of tea and lots of chat from 2 p.m.

Please try to support this friendly group or at least come and give us a try.

For more information contact 01424 717004.

Blacklands Prayer Chain

Any prayer requests may be made to David, on 01424 447132  or 07531 098891 (both of which have voicemail), or by email to blacklandsprayerchain@yahoo.co.uk The Vicar or members of the prayer chain may be able to receive requests also, and pass them on to David for the chain. Confidential matters will stay confidential. Please let us know at the time of the request if the prayers are to be added to the Wednesday morning service intercessions as well.

We have forty four requests current on our intercessions list, some of which have not been updated for over two years and for which we do not have the name of the person who made the original request. If you can cast your mind back, please and remember if you have made a prayer request for yourself or someone else, it would be much appreciated if you could tell us if the request is still active or the outcome if the prayers are answered or no longer needed. We are always very happy to give thanks to the Lord for prayers answered to our intercessions.

The Prayer Chain would like to welcome new members who would commit to praying every day for those on our intercessions list. Please sign up on the list at the back of the Church, send an email to blacklandsprayerchain@yahoo.co.uk or speak to David in Church at Sunday or Mid-week services.

St. Helens Residents Association Presents at Christchurch Blacklands and St. Andrew

Saturday, November 24th - "Pre Christmas Craft Market" in the Church Hall 10 am to 3 pm. A chance to buy early Christmas gifts.

(If anyone would like a table contact below)


Friday, November 30th - "Melodians Christmas Music Concert" Including "sing along" Carols in Church 7 pm.

Tickets £3 Pay at door. (Includes Interval Refreshment) 

Contact for both events: Terry Mulqueen 01424 714679 terry.mulqueen@gmail.com

Calling all singers

We need a choir for our carol service on 16th December. There will be 3 rehearsals to get you into shape. Please give your name to David our organist if you are interested.

Blacklands Prayer Group

Blacklands new prayer group will meet on alternate Fridays in St Andrew’s chapel. We plan to meet for an hour between 3.00pm and 4.00pm and pray for our church, our congregation and the wider community, as well as for all the requests on our intercessions lists. In November our meetings are planned to be on Fridays 9th and 23rd.

All are welcome and if you want further information please contact Margaret Turner or Jean Wilson.

Bible Reading Guides

The next set of Bible readings are available free of charge at the back of the church. Please take one

Food Bank Update

Just to update you as to what the foodbank has been doing with the food so generously supplied by our partner churches and other donors.

Since we welcomed our first client in April we have fed over 400 people and distributed 3,700kg of food. Demand for our services is growing rapidly and we now have 27 organisations distributing food vouchers. The growth in demand is demonstrated by the fact that in September alone 1,100kg of food was given out at the foodbank.

Despite having received Harvest Festival donations from several schools and churches we still have some shortages, namely longlife milk, tinned vegetables and tinned fruit. We also have rather a glut of tea and a mountain of baked beans!

Please thank your congregations for their generosity and update them re our shortages and excesses.

We would also welcome your prayers that we find suitable premises near to Hastings or St. Leonard’s town centres. Somewhere where we can have a storage and distribution point and also facilities that would enable us to have a comfortable meeting/greeting area with kitchen facilities so that we can offer hot drinks and freshly prepared food.

Pete Houlton, Foodbank Administrator

Thank You’s

Thank you for your cards and good wishes to me following my stay in hospital which were much appreciated. It was comforting to know that you were thinking and praying for me.

Thank you very much. June Sears.

Also thank you to everyone who helped decorate the church for harvest festival and contributing to the bounty of food.

The organ concert was a great success and attended by a very appreciative audience. David our organist did not charge for his services for which we are very grateful. What a star. We collected donations of £100 and £50 was taken for the raffle. Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Carol Singers Needed

As you know Jean Gill is good enough to play the keyboard when we sing carols at the local nursing homes.

If you would make a note, please, of the following dates and venues.

Fabee Nursing Home, Fearon Road.

Wednesday December 5th at 2:45 p.m.

Mountside Residential Home, Laton Road.

Thursday December 13th at 2:45 p.m.

Last year, despite being without a choir, we had a wonderful amount of support, so please come along again this year. It gives a great deal of enjoyment to everyone. I know the 5th may seem early but December is a busy time.

Many thanks. You will be reminded on the news sheet again nearer the time.

God Bless.


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Canon Fletcher Women's Fellowship