“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings

Coalition For Marriage News

Following the article in the Parish Magazine for April* and the paper petition in Church, I know many of us have signed up for the Petition being run by the Coalition For Marriage. All Christians should believe in the sanctity of marriage, as the union of one man and one woman, for life, to the exclusion of all others. When I checked the website a few minutes ago, about 7:30 pm on Tuesday 25th September, 601,591 people had signed up. Many leading politicians, virtually every Church of England Bishop, active and retired, the Roman Catholic Bishops, the elders and ministers of every Christian group, the leaders of the Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh Faiths in England and many leading academics and public figures, have all signed the petition.

The campaign is very active still, with frequent requests to write to our Members of Parliament with our comments on all the issues. So far I have sent very polite but strongly worded emails to Amber Rudd, condemning the whole proposal as well as commenting on individual issues, such as the Clegg "Bigots" remark, the threat to peoples' employment if they refuse to have anything to do with "Marriage" for same gender couples and many more. My comments have been passed on to the Secretary of State by Ms. Rudd and I have a letter from her confirming her receipt of my emails. We have seen already disciplinary proceedings started against assistant registrars who have said they will not "Marry" same gender couples. We have been made aware of the threat of legal action against Christian Ministers who refuse to "Marry" same gender couples. Teachers have been threatened with dismissal if they pronounce against the proposals in class. I have an archive of all the news items sent out from the Coalition and can forward them by email to anyone who wants them.

If you have not signed the Petition yet, there is still time. You can go on-line to http://c4m.org.uk/ to sign, read all the latest news of the campaign and see who has signed already.

Please support this campaign and help to stop further erosion of our Faith and all others by this sickening secular attack.

* You can read the April Newsletter article here.

Shoe Box Appeal And Also