“Growing together in Christ”

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Welcome to Christ Church, Blacklands & St. Andrew, Laton Road, Hastings


Who Are We to Change Things?

Most of us often feel powerless to change anything, victims of circumstances over which we have no control. Even our finest efforts appear to make no difference! In the Old Testament book of Judges, many folk felt the same! So they settled down and simply ‘did their own thing’, living insular lives without reference to other people or to the God who made them and loved them. But there were some who were determined to work for change, folk like Ruth, Deborah, Gideon, Jephthah and Samson, folk who, ( to use a modern day cliché), wanted ‘to make a difference’.  Weak and vulnerable though they were at times, they allowed God’s faithfulness and love to shape their lives to become agents of renewal, hope and encouragement.

Some of our teaching themes on Sunday mornings will be based on the Old Testament book of Judges. The characters we encounter are a challenge to all of us to shake off the shackles of pessimism, fear and inertia and to start living as people who want to make a difference.

John Fletcher.

Bishop's  Meetings News and Events